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tv   FOX 45 News at 500  FOX  October 8, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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win game" 3 bruce adlib toss
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here's... our question of the day.../ p .despite lasttnight's loss do you think the orioles yankeesin the american league division series? go... to... fox- baltimore dot com .../ tell us... what you think.../. sound... off... thru... pacebook.../. send... us... a tweet.. at foxbaltimore.../. text... ...45-203....// enter... fox455 for yes.. / fox45b for no. orioles fans... are hooing... foo... ... magical turraround. ..tonight ./ because head the bronxx-/ two... games down..../// down..../// &pmelinda... fans.../ ing - froo... both teams ... about... their predictions -/ and... pxxectationss.. for this seriee.melinda? i think the biggest difference between the fans in this ssriis - s that baltimore is going to proud of their team's performance - in or lose. whereas the yankees will be
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don't wonnand perhaps that pressure will turn out to be a key component in game two. 3lasttnight --there was obvious prrde on the faces of o'' just watching the team line up for tte national anthem really meaat something to the fans - who, of course, waiting one and a half decades for that -b what fans are saying about s
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gracey... give us sooe better news forrttnight... police... continue,... pnvestigating... a... police involved... car &pchase west baltimore 3officials... say... an officer... wws chasing a driver... in... a... stolen van.../ when. .. the van... crashed... into a bentalouussreet...anddpenrose
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pvenue..../ 5... people ...were in the car at the timm.../ 4... havv been caught....// one.... person... fled the scene..../ .and... &p ran into... a... neaarb house...//. anyone... with inffrmation ... 3 first on fox.... a... chief ...judgees ptreet ... in... ome of the ciiy's... most dangerous neighborhoods ...// all... over papeework....// crrme... and justice reporter joy lepol. lepooa.... investigates... the controversial change... in policy..../ and... how... some plan to challenge this issue has alot of people in the business of pighting crime not wanting to &ptalk out of fear.. the concer is possiile retribution by some judges. and, it's all over a signature! p(vo)) at issue is the use oo lectronic signaaures on use oo investigative team obtained s this letttr that bans the practice. it was written by district coort chief judge ben clyburn late month. in it he
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states..."...a digital signature on these documentt is not fully supported by law..." and that ... "...aa ink-on-paper signature is reeuired..." for officers in the city, some say a written signature amounts to more time off the streee doing paperwork. in the past, charggng transmitted electronically. an efficient approach strongly ciiy state'' attorney's office. still, thhre are critics to the electronic siggature... baltimore city delegate jill carter is also a defense attorney. 15::8:24 the issue is do the police officers havv tiie to cause and the answer i would - too busy to do that they're rr too usy then o ensure that there is going to be integrity in the process and be whileeno onee... not even
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the district court chief judge.... will say on hee record wwat prompted this change.... i canntell yyu... one case.... here a least baltimore city police offiier admittted to skirttng the law... by having another officer sign off on his lepola fox 45 news at en. a... woman... is shot and northwest baltimore....overnngh/ happened around 10 p-m... on... fair-lawn avenue... &p near... reisterstown road...///.police .. say... she wassshot in the head.. / and... no other details are available. police... havv now released pew surreillance video... of... ... bar fight... that ...has left... one man dead..../// it... happened ...last month... at the crossroads ... station bar.../ neer... pratt street...///. ake... p a... close look... mann... pplls ouut.. what - looks likee.. a gun.... as... eople... begin... scatteriig about....//the... man... than... fired shots... striking... 20-yyard--ld... claaence ross... in the head....// policc... peleased photos... of... 2 men... they believe...
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pre... connected to the shooting. question 7 ... is.... sparking a lot of controversy in maryland. today.../ economist... anir--ban... basu... held a briefing in east study... of... questiin 7.../ effort to expand commercial gaming in maryland. .../// basu's study focuses on how much citizens have been sppnding on out-of-state casinos over the past decade. and... how much money marylanders would continue o spped on out-of-state casinos 3&"the goal here is to maximumize economic empact and by the way by aximumizing economic empact the state also whhcc meaning tax revenues for inntance and also from other indications and also from broader prosperity jobs, &pforth."voters will havv a chanceeto voice their opinion on whether o approve question &p7... next month on the povember ballot. wegman's... has been... a... big hit in hunt valley./.. and... in columbia...//.and... the... gourmet....
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storr... is... coming to.. owings mills..../// put ... joon rydell reports.../ &pthat project... (rydell) "community pctivists...say a prominent behind that petition drive to overturn zoning for wegmans. they blame howard broon...who's companydavid s. bboon properties...ii developingthe metro ccnner sits...juss blocks from that proppsedwegmens. activists claim roww...has teamed up wittdeveloper davii cordish...who is trying to blockanother project...thiss one... in middle river. (levy) these spoiled brats, thhse
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school yard bulliee that are ttying to get their way." (goldstein) "is the community going to be in control of the &pponiig process or or are the developers are going to be in county exeeutive kevin t thaa - kamenetz has not yet taken a successfulin owings mills, john rydell, fox45 news at five." how re the roads lookiig tonight? 3 tonight?brandi proctor haa our traffic edge report. report. mapbelairfiberwilkensmap395map
5:10 pm tonight on fox 45 news at 5:30...thh controversial reason for thee name change. 3 a day of celebratioo turns this edding erupteddinto violence that killee one pprron. the latest computer scam involves hackers holding your
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one... peeson is deadd/..after ... a... huge fight... breaks out a it's all caught on tape. tape.nats offfight! fight!a 15-year-old caputured it on his cell phone... from the balcony of the heraton society hill hotel.the fighh started betteen two wedding parties. police say an argumenn ssarted in the hotel ar... and escalted.when it was alllover .. a bride wws punched.. and her 57-year old uncle died of a heart attack... hours after the brawl. three people cited for crimes.police believe alcohol could be a factor. attorneys... for jerry sandusky ... say... their cllent... will speak bbfore his sentencing hearing tuesday. sandusky will be sentenced on 45 counts of chiid exual
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abuse.he faces life in prison. 3 3 coming off... a... strong ...debatt performance... last &ppeek.../ mitt romne ... turns to... foreign policy today. today. the... &pspoke... at the virginia... - where... he... / addressed the attack ...on the u-s consuuate libya... syria.../ &pafghanistan .../ and... tough ttlk ...on... iran's nucleer program..../ while... in... california sunnay .../ president ooama... noted his lacklusser debate performance -/ then ... jumped into... his áowná... foreignnpolicy rrmarks. obama says: "i said we'd focus on theepeople who actually attackkd us on 9/11, ann today osama in laden is no more. (applause.) 3 3&romney says: "iran today has never been loser to a nuclear weepons capability. it has and to us."nds, ourrallies, - us." the back and forth ...on... national seccritt... omes... two weeks bbfore the two menndebate...
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that exact topic... and... just a few before the ice preeidennial candidates... go head to head. the orioles dropped the first pamm of their diiision series against he yankees last night. and tooight we're asking if you think they can bounce back and win the seriee. series.lauren writes on our facebook page..."of coorse. they just need the rrght and jonnthan writes..." the orioles have been discounted all year long and have still perssvered. go o's!" o's!" a lot of response to this questionnand mmst of you are still confident the oriolls can bounce back. go... to... fox- tell us... what you think.../. sound... off... thhr... facebook.../. send... us... a tweet.. at foxbaltimore..... text... your answer to ...45-203..../ enter... yes.. / fox45b for no. 3 a very popular stockiig stuffer may not be around for the holidays.why thhre may be a shortage of i- phone 5's... coming up.
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3 --adblib weather a... ski area in minnesota
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the nation ... winter activities... going on - at the ame time!octtber 7th... surroundee by grass.../ "wild mountain ski area"... is open for business../ . time ever ...the ski area... has been the first... in the naaion... to open...//// the... water slides... aa... wild &pmountain are also open. --- react to story ---cool temperatures... a little wet
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outsidd... deffnitely feels llke fall outside.we all want to know whaa kknd of weather to expect for tonight's o's playoff game gginst the yankees.meteorologist emily gracey...
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you're personal innormation... for your hackkrs are holding your computer... ransom. 3 and check out this car dangling off the side of interssate tonight on fox 45 news at 5:30.. how the car came to rrst in this up. doctors...
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identify... ... gene variant... that decreases ...a person's risk... of ggtttng lung cancer. scientists... -hundred gene variants ... in... nearly... 400---lung cancer... found a variant one gene... was associated... with reducing.../ lung cancer risk... from... 21;.... to... 41... percentt...//a... protein... partially proddced ...ii this gene... is known play an important role... in inflammation ...// by... regulaaing cell life and death. braces... aren't just for kids association of orthodontists -
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...says... if... adults could change one thing... about their appearance..// it... ould be their smile...//. a... lot of....grown ups ...are getting their teeth fixed. 55-100"when you meet someone new one of the first things they see about you ii yyur smile. so there is ssmething definitely important about it in your professional ann personal life so if there is the opportunity to do sooething about t that you've always wanted to do, take advantage of it." health monthh the... attempt combat obesity... stir... among paaeetss..//. under... new guudelines... from the u-s---a../ . school lunches... now double ...the servings... of... fruits nd veggies.../ but... limit ppoteins and caabs...//.the... goal to makk sure ....students re eating... no more than... 850 some parents say ...thh - smallee lunch... is... leaving their kiis hungrr...///. &paccordinn... tt... recent numbers.../ oneethird of all phildren... in the u-ss.. are considerrd overweight or obese. it's... like... a digitallform of kidnapping ../.yoor ... computer data... hell for ransom hackers... using... a... sophisticated... newwscam.../ known as... "ran"
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happees is... control... of... a person's computer.../ where... financial information.../ p and... then... flash thhm ...a message ...demanding money.... for the retuun... f... their information....// ransom--ware... prompted... the fbi... to put outta warning..../the... it's getting dozens off complaints... 105-112"it's one of theemore destrrctive pieces of malware because thhy'll encrypp those files and if you doo't pay they caa just delete them." them."135-150"it frightens people and kind of preys on their fear."""in retrospect cawould haae beennwell worth the ransom, but that waan't the approach we took." it's belleved ...most hackers... so... tracking them &pdoon... is... rough. another... recall tonight.../ affeccing ...270-thousand... .'s... recalling... c-r-v crossovers ..from model years
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2002... through 2006... for a fiie risk.../.the company ...says....there's... an... electrical switch n the driver's- ide- door... that can overheat... and short circuii... if... ann rain... or other thru... the windoo..../hondd - says... it's... possible for a fire to start... / even... if thh vehicle is turned áoofá...//.four fires... have been reported.../ no injuries.../. honda... will...n contact... owners next month ... and... will make repairs... for free. 3&there... ould be ...a ssortage of the... i-phone 5... this hooiday season....// several sources... are reporting that orkers the... "fox-conn" factory in china... where the popular gadget made... arr striking.....the strike... reporredly... paralyzed productton lines.../. apple's... not commenting ..// a howard county street tonight on fox 45 news at 5:30...the controversial reason for the 3ame change. ♪
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♪ ♪
5:28 pm
[ male announcer ] combine the pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a qualifying pnc performance select checking account and earn 75% more than cards earning 1% cash back on almost everything. so let me tell you what i know:k about question seven... earning 1% cash back if question seven passes, my company's going to... bring table games, like blackjack and poker... right here to baltimore. a twenty-five million dollar investment... that'll create five hundred new jobs. all right here. today, marylanders are spending $500 million gaming...
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in other states. let's keep it here. i'm chad barnhill, and we're ready to build right here. we're ready, and it's real. and all that has to happen... is question seven. the... headed... into... game two / and... already... down game. .../ but... ost fans ...aree.. staying know... each other well..../// - and... the fans - do too.../. roedee - livv... from... camden yards -/ with... more... on the what fans... are expecting toniggt. the orioles played pprtty welll against the yankkessduring tte and thr season. so tonight - -


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